Readathon: Hour 3 - Finding myself
Okay, so taking my first break from my first #readathon.
So far it's actually been quite tough for me participating in this. - Also harder than I'd anticipated.
The real reason for this is probably that I've been really stressed out over the last couple of months due to illness in the family etc. These things makes it harder for me to concentrate thus harder for me to focus on reading.
That experience has been pretty disturbing to me, since I've always been able to enjoy books and find serenity in them. That's also the main reason I signed up for the readathon: To rediscover my love in books.
So far Deweys Readathon has taught me
So far it's actually been quite tough for me participating in this. - Also harder than I'd anticipated.
The real reason for this is probably that I've been really stressed out over the last couple of months due to illness in the family etc. These things makes it harder for me to concentrate thus harder for me to focus on reading.
That experience has been pretty disturbing to me, since I've always been able to enjoy books and find serenity in them. That's also the main reason I signed up for the readathon: To rediscover my love in books.
So far Deweys Readathon has taught me
- I still LOVE reading. My mind gets completly swallowed up by the stories I read - unlike anything I can get from watching a movie or the like.
- However, I'm not out of the woods with my personal life and feelings yet. It's hard to keep focused on the task and I find that staying seated is really hard for me. I want to "DO" something.
Right now I'm taking a break which will probably last and hour or two. I will be cooking dinner and doing a bit of gardening. The weather in Denmark is incredible for the season right now. :-)
How far am I?
I'm on page 85 of The Memory Keepers Daughter. The book is very interesting so far and the characters are developing nicely.
I want to end this post by thanking the people who are cheering on twitter and the blogs. Not just for me but for everybody. Cheering is not so much about making people go on and on reading, but building a community of booklovers - and it's awesome. Now I'll pop around a few blogs my self to spread some happy comments.
Thank you for reading this and reading books!
Pauser skal der til! Det lærte jeg sidste år, hvor jeg næsten ikke holdt nogen, og mit hoved var helt rundtosset og ørt til sidst. Søndag havde jeg det som om jeg havde været i byen og feste. :S
SvarSletI år er mine pauser fyldt med cheerleading, blogs og andre sjove sager, og jeg nyder det i fulde drag. Så pyt med om jeg får læst helt så meget som "alle andre" jeg har det sjovt! :D
Rigtig gode pointer Eeyore :-) Ja, det er jo ikke en konkurrence, men en mulighed for at fordybe sig i bøgernes verden og et fællesskab omkring dét at elske bøger :-)
SvarSletDet er nogle timer siden du sidst opdaterede - Jeg håber at det skyldes intens læsning og/eller masser af hygge? ;)
SvarSletHer på de sene timer er det tid til lige at tjekke ind og se hvordan alle klarer sig. Der er gang i masser af skøn læsning rundt omkring, og så meget glæde, læsning og begejstring smitter virkelig. Selv gennem skærmen. Det inspirerede mig endda til at fatte fyldepennen og i bedste digterstil forfatte et lille digt:
Is the sweet love lost?
Does every freedom have a cost?
Is the dragon freed?
To find out you have to read read read.
Pauser skal til en gang i mellem, det er også vigtigt ikke at stresse og bare have det hyggeligt med læsningen. Jeg kan godt lide tanken om at så mange folk rundt omkring i hele verdenen læser på samme tid :)
SvarSletI'm sorry the readathon isn't going as expected, but rediscovering your love of reading is a great thing to get out of it! Cheering is a fun way to participate outside of just power reading. I'm sorry you're going through some tough stuff, and I hope today brings comfort, even if that means laying off the reading!