Running in three directions craving chocolate, letters and fish

1.   What I love most about my home is the bright white walls slowly being filled with pretty postcards and original paintings from friends and thriftstores.

2.  I'm excited because, the boyfriend and I decided to go to Disneyland Paris and I've never been there before.

3.  My preferred method for blowing  off steam when I'm frustrated is to yell. I yell a lot and then I'm happy afterwards. I grew up in a home where people also yelled when they were angry and I know it's controversial but I don't really see it as such a big deal. I always knew what my parents were thinking because they always told me.

4.  Currently I am craving chocolate and letters from the world.

5.  The thing I love most about my mom is she and I are so alike ;-) I hardly have to open my mouth and she knows what I'm thinking. I admire her for being so strong in her life though. I hope I'll be as strong as her when I reach that age.

6.  If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be "Running in three directions". I'm known for always setting up new projects and starting to work on them before even thinking them through. Somehow they always turn out even beter than anyone thought they would. 

7.  If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be fish. I love fish, there are so many variations of it and I would be able to get a hold of it almost everywhere I went.

Questions from: The little things we do


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